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Xanxus is the current leader of the Varia, the independent assassination squad of the Vongola Famiglia. Appearing in the manga and its anime adaption, Xanxus was the main antagonist of the Varia Arc. Additionally, Xanxus appears in other Katekyo Hitman Reborn! media. As a child living in poverty with his mother in Italy he then became Vongola Nono's adopted son. Of all the mafia families, Xanxus was raised under the household of one of the most prominent ones.

His hubris as the Ninth's son resulted in Xanxus looking down on others. Whether fellow Vongola family members or those from branch organizations, Xanxus held himself in higher regard. The initial forming of his squad would involve Superbia Squalo and Belphegor. At some point Xanxus would be joined by Levi A Than and the Arcobaleno going by the name of Mammon. The circumstances of his claimed removal from the family eight years ago would come to light.

In possession of the Flame of Wrath, his power is all the more devastating when amplified with a pair of hand guns. Where callousness was a defining trait of his, Xanxus has no qualms about removing foes and underlings who are no longer useful in his view. Such traits become apparent when Xanxus makes his way to Japan to challenge Tsunayoshi Sawada's claim as the next successor to the Ninth. A scheming intellect helps Xanxus with his participation in this event and showed the lengths he was prepared to go to attain only his goal to be the next head of the Vongola family.

Character Outline[]


Dormant Scars

Xanxus' dormant scars.

He is a tall adult male with a muscular build. His other distinguishing features include the facial scars and his attire. Eight years ago, and as a child, Xanxus did not have scars. Presently Xanxus is seen with darkened full-body scars inflicted from the Ninth's Zero Point Breakthrough: First Edition. The most recognizable ones are on the left side of his face, such as on his forehead and left cheek. They are also present on his chest, stomach, and arms. When enraged, the scars become much more visible where they are asymmetrically across a large area of his face. They cover the centre around his nose and eyes and spread outwards.

Chapter 130 cover

Armed with his guns

His narrow eyes have small reddish irises. His hair color is of two different shades, black and grey. The top of Xanxus' black hair is spiky and he has a buzz cut on the sides where the color is lighter. It is also adorned with red feathers apparently from the same type of avian being, with three each on either side of his neck. Additionally there is an animal tail which resembles a racoon's at the nape of his neck. This feature comes over his left shoulder to rest in the front. He began wearing these notable appendages eight years ago and has retained them since his return.

Brillante N030B Xanxus

His attire

For clothing Xanxus also wears a dark colored Varia uniform jacket on his shoulders, much like a cape. He matches it with a white dress shirt, and a loosely knotted tie which reaches near his waist. Black pants are worn and held up with a black colored belt with a silver belt buckle. His pants are tucked into a pair of black boots that are up to his shins. Xanxus has a tattoo on his left shoulder, which may have been to cover a Vongola X shape cut into his flesh at some point in his adulthood.

Sky Xanxus

His hair and appearance in the future

In the future roughly ten years later, Xanxus has his hair more natural where it is neither styled on top or buzz cut around the sides. His hair is more like what he had as a child, and yet having grown out it is more longer where sections of his bangs hang freely over his face. He has removed the animal tail worn around him, and his hair is instead adorned with fewer feathers and beads. For the feathers retained they are the red ones as before. This joins an extension of hair that is bound in a red ribbon which is a part of the ending teal colored extension. He also has tattooed a black Roman numeral X to both his shoulders rather than just one.

Wearing a long-sleeved white collared shirt, future Xanxus has the black tie worn somewhat loosely around it. The raised collared black jacket hangs around his shoulders. It is possible there are clips in place to help secure and keep the jacket in its position given the likelihood it would fall off otherwise. His pants have a mixed color scheme of black and beige which run separately downwards. They are held up by a red belt. His boots in the future are laced-up, and later, he is seen in boots with exaggerated fold-over cuffs, similar to pirate boots. Xanxus is noted to resemble Vongola Secondo and also looks a little like his mother.


Xanxus Shoots Kikyo

Firing into a defeated opponent

Xanxus is cruel and ruthless, and shows no mercy to enemies and allies alike. At times of calmness he can be short-tempered, easily angered even by small mistakes such as his subordinates bringing the wrong food. This results in him beating them up or throwing things at them. He has a lot of confidence in his own strength and power, and thus, often looks down on his enemies. Xanxus refers to ally and foe alike as trash among other names.

Xanxus has a habit of calling people "scum" or "trash", which are also his favorite words.[1] He certainly indulges what may as well be a passion of calling others such terms given the proclivity to have them interspersed in his sentences. Given that Xanxus was raised in the Vongola household which had the kindly Ninth as its leader, and that mafia culture incorporates polite manners when it comes to rank, it is probable that these unpleasant habits stem from Xanxus' childhood before he and his mother were taken into the Vongola household. If it were the case that Xanxus was referred to by others as scum when he was a boy living in poverty, then the hatred he infuses in the words has subsisted since that time. Were it ingrained then, calling others what he has been called himself has persisted well into the future in an indication of the long-lasting effects Xanxus' childhood had on him as a person.

If Xanxus were repeating what has been said to him, then his comment of pathetic dogs should disappear is telling. His abusive comments are applied even if they are to those who clearly are not weak, as with his own squad members who are very capable, indeed having been chosen to be a part of his squad. Similarly when witnessing Tsuna using his flame to defend those from missiles and a gatling gun, Xanxus rarely identifies strengths in others neither speaks favorably of it. Remarking that everything should be eliminated, starting with scum, Xanxus added this has not changed. Certainly true in a way, Xanxus' need to call others scum and have them eliminated seems said for the sake of it. No longer about belittling others no matter how powerful they clearly are, such instances may be Xanxus mimicking the unpleasant sentiments that might have been said to him as a child.

Although he identifies foes, Xanxus shows a greater contempt for his own squad members who are helping realize his ambitions. Initially, Xanxus showed no emotion when his subordinates were felt to have died and only saw them as disposable tools to help him gain the title of Vongola 10th. Since his defeat at the hands of Tsuna, he has appreciated his subordinates more.

Where it would correspond with his desire to be above others, Xanxus often literally does that in standing above others to look down on them. Should that possibility not be feasible, Xanxus takes measures to have a throne like chair for him to lounge in. Among his squad, Xanxus sits where it may be the arrangement that others are not permitted to, as Belphegor who had to stand despite his leg injury. Where Tsuna reminded him of the Ninth for remaining determined despite a hopeless situation, it initiated an anger in Xanxus where he commanded him to dare not defy him. When Tsuna was fighting back and not succumbing, Xanxus questioned how dare he. Deeming it unforgivable, Xanxus' wrath reached its greatest extent at the idea that someone would defy him.

Daunted for a moment at Tsuna's words that should he continue he would receive worse scars than what the Ninth gave, Xanxus responded with a greater amount of wrath. Resorting to how his name made him suitable as the next boss, Xanxus charged only to be knocked back. Even under the initial Zero Point Breakthrough again Xanxus' anger came through in response to Tsuna asking him why. Abandoning strategy, never even contemplating surrendering, to rejecting Tsuna's nice words as they were similar to Timoteo's, he was frozen once more with his face contorted in rage. What he regarded as anything concerning unconditional love induced a disgusted sense of outrage in Xanxus, where he furiously questioned what use it was.

A priority in being harsh takes precedent over praising others even when a situation would call for it. Even though Levi had just won his ring tournament, Xanxus had nothing at all, let alone positive to say to him, rather revealed his presence to assail Tsuna for the kind words he had regarding not wanting friends to be hurt. Entertaining the idea of having Tsuna and his team killed, Xanxus instead felt it would not be fun to kill those chosen by the Ninth. As a result of wanting to draw out the process of tormenting the Ninth, he opted to kill them later after they had experienced true despair. For what he saw as imminent events to arrive Xanxus regarded them as a happy comedy.

Excitement was shown on his face in a twisted grin of sorts, as when he had the idea that Tsuna genuinely thought that he could become the next successor. From comments by others it had been a long while since Xanxus had smiled, although he would continue with them as the tournament for the rings took place. Breaking into laughter was done at the notion that they could have a tragedy from the outcome of the battles, which Xanxus then reframed as a comedy. It was similar when the Gola Moska went haywire, although a pre-planned event Xanxus was sure to deliver a show on what a terrible disaster this was and laughed wildly as explosions occurred all around him. While the laughter is unhinged given the context, it is not uncontrolled, Xanxus can compose himself should the need arise such as when he sees a new enemy enter the battlefield. Although coming across as delirious in the circumstances, Xanxus' laugh is not an indication of anything unbalanced, he does just enjoy destruction and carnage.

Having said that, Xanxus' elation reached a disturbing height upon seeing that the Gola Moska had been destroyed. Where the machine had the Ninth inside, Xanxus waited a moment for others to register the situation. For all his quietness, and inappropriate laughter, Xanxus can deliver a sustained rational case for himself. Taking the lead where others were confused at finding the Ninth inside the Gola Moska, he could articulate what he had clearly pre-planned to say. Framing it as Tsuna murdering the Ninth, he gave a convincing show that he was affronted both as his son and that Tsuna had challenged the noble spirit of the Vongola. Where the Cervello were judges of a tournament, Xanxus directed the situation as an attack on the Vongola. Announcing that there was no need for an investigation, Xanxus stated for his father (that he was prepared to kill, twice) and for the future of the Vongola he would kill Tsuna as vengeance.

While a commanding presence and able to deliver a speech, Xanxus did not seem to register that it was clear to everyone in the vicinity that it was himself who set this up. Regardless, Xanxus seemed confident he had a story set to tell other Vongola members that a rival successor had killed the Ninth to bring others to his side. A mix of cunning, yet perhaps not taking every factor into account is also seen when Xanxus delightfully ordered Belphegor and Levi to kill everyone, without giving thought that there were a greater number of opponents who could have repelled the attack he ordered.

For all his cruelty, Xanxus is more often than not reserved. Xanxus rarely shows emotion and keeps himself to himself. Where others may have been awestruck at previously living in poverty but were now under a life of privilege, Xanxus did not appear too lively at his sudden positive change in circumstances. Having one of the Arcobaleno serve under him appeared nothing too amazing for Xanxus either.

Seemingly apathetic, Xanxus on occasion appears against the idea of others speaking to him. Xanxus seems to be agitated when he is disturbed while eating or sleeping. This was evident when Squalo was talking to Lussuria and asking for backup, to which Lussuria says that he could not do since the "boss" was eating. Also, when they invaded the Millefiore base in Italy, he beat up his underlings for not bringing him the food he wanted.

Collectively, for all Xanxus' traits they were concerned with the only thing that he wanted, namely the seat of the Vongola boss. His anger having subsided while saying it, Xanxus' desire to be above others was the more prominent feature of his in such a case. Xanxus was upfront that he wanted the scumbags to worship and praise him. With the prospect of the rings being denied to him, Xanxus took an approach that if he could not have them, no one could. Having not cared for the other rings until that point, Xanxus' anger flared up to ordering those left on his side to kill others to deny the rings to them.

Certain in his view that he should be the next head of the Vongola, if laws or bloodlines forbade him for attaining that position, Xanxus would seize it by force. An outright colossal failure the first time was no deterrence at all to a second attempt. In being handed the Sky Ring, he declared it was natural for it to be on him. Xanxus added who else other than him could be the boss of the Vongola. Where it may not have just been his believed family heritage, it appears Xanxus felt it was his very nature and conduct that made him most suitable as the Tenth. At having the Sky Ring he appeared fulfilled as Xanxus felt the limitless power overflowing through him.

Despite his treatment of people, Xanxus harbors a certain degree of respect for the Vongola Famiglia as an institution. At learning of his true background, Xanxus appeared devastated as he felt he was even more inferior than those he called scum. He knows the importance of the Famiglia's unity when they are in a dire situation. This is shown during his battle with Olgert in the future when he said that Vongola would always fight as one. It was reaffirmed during the final battle of the future with the Real Six Funeral Wreaths when he and his subordinates declared that they would help Tsuna and his friends. This was despite Xanxus still not approving of Tsuna as the Vongola Boss, he was still ready to reinforce them.

Future Xanxus has his hair as he did as a child and in what may also be a throwback to his childhood for his personality, he displays some conviction of having found peace with what may have been issues for him. Were he called names, or derided as a mongrel, it factors into embracing the concept as his Leone di Cieli box weapon does. A tigon box weapon, Xanxus appears no longer troubled at possible childhood abuse others inflicted on him, rather is at ease to the point he has a mongrel (with no negative connotations attached to the word) as an asset.

For what Xanxus likes, his favorite food is steak and his favorite drinks are tequila and whiskey.[1] He dislikes everything but himself[1] which may not be apparent given Xanxus does not outwardly bear any fondness for who he is aside from the fact that he was the believed son of the Ninth. Xanxus' hobbies are gun maintenance and picking on Squalo.[1]

Weapons and Abilities[]

Not just a formidable fighter in his own right, Xanxus is one of the most powerful combatants in the series. Xanxus can hold his own against a Vindice, albeit with help from Superbia Squalo. At ease fending off strikes from Kyoya Hibari, during his brief fight on the Cloud Ground, he easily dodged the Cloud Guardian's attacks while being bombarded by the arena's gatling guns and landmines. From Hibari's continuous assault it forced Xanxus to block one of his attacks, though he was keen to display to the Cervelo judges that he was the one being unjustifiably assailed. His ruthless and cocky disposition hides a devious intellect, which impresses even the talented illusionist Mukuro Rokudo.

Eight years prior to the series, Xanxus attempted to kill Vongola IX who was a powerful force. The limits of his capabilities at the time were clear with his defeat. Where he was sealed by the Zero Point Breakthrough: First Edition, it seemed Xanxus needed outside intervention to unfreeze him. The Flame of Wrath he possesses seems an innate ability, as is a destructive light based attack. This light allows Xanxus to vanish from an area.


Xanxus Guns

The pair of Dying Will Guns that can fire powerful blasts in two different directions

  • Dying Will Guns: Xanxus has two Guns that are able to absorb and store the Dying Will Flames, accumulate it and release it through a Dying Will Bullet, different from the ones Reborn uses on Tsuna. Vongola VII was said to have the weakest Flame of all the Vongola Leaders, so he designed a Weapon that he could store his Flame in and release it as a strong Flame attack. Xanxus takes the idea of these Guns and creates his own version. The difference is that Xanxus has a very strong Flame and can store his Flame of Wrath within his X-Guns, creating a super-powerful blast. Xanxus is also capable of using these for propulsion, allowing him to fly and move at great speeds. Used even more effectively, Xanxus can fly around a battlefield, blasting anyone within sight.
  • Ligre Tempesta di Cieli: Also called Bester, it is Xanxus' Animal-type Box Weapon. Bester is actually a mix-breed between a Leone di Cieli and a Tigre Tempesta. Xanxus' Box Weapon has the ability to change from a lion to a liger when Xanxus wants it to. The only visual difference between these forms is that when it is in liger mode, it has black tiger-like stripes running along its body. Its attack is a roar, which uses the Sky attribute of harmony to petrify, and then the Storm attribute of disintegration to cause the petrified object to crumble. The Liger and Xanxus have an odd relationship where the Lion will grow stripes when Xanxus' scars appear, but this is not the only time. Bester has storm like attributes in his attacks.
  • Armatura di Platino Ligre Tempesta di Cieli: An alternate form of the Ligre Tempesta di Cieli. This has a longer mane and a platinum armor, which affords it immense defense and durability and is thus able to withstand attacks.
    • Pistola Imperatore Animale: The Platinum Armor Sky/Storm Liger's Cambio Forma, fusing with Xanxus' X-Guns and greatly increasing its power. The gun's cartridge area resembles Bester's mane, and the bullets fired from the X-Guns are in the shape of a liger and more powerful.


Xanxus's Flame

His Flame of Wrath able to be generated

  • Flame of Wrath: Xanxus possesses Vongola Secondo's Ability, Flame of Wrath. This is a very powerful and destructive Flame that was said to only appear when the Vongola II was enraged, giving it its name. The Second was also said to have the most devastating and powerful Flame of all the Vongola Leaders.
  • Scoppio d'Ira: An Attack that requires the use of the Dying Will X Guns. Xanxus unleashes a barrage of multiple oblong flames simultaneously that, because of their density and grouping, appear to fuse together into one large super-powerful blast.
Bocciolo di Fiamma

Two weapons used masterfully for flight capabilities and attacking

  • Bocciolo di Fiamma: Another Attack that requires the use of the X Guns. Xanxus uses one gun to fly around the target and the other to shoot his target from different angles to form a flower bud at the target's feet.
  • Colpo d'Addio: A stronger version of Scoppio d'Ira where Xanxus charges up energy in his guns and fires two super-powerful shots with the same or more power than Scoppio d'Ira.
  • Martello di Fiamma: The strongest version of Scoppio d'Ira. It is Xanxus' most powerful move.

Appearances in other media[]

In Katekyō Hitman Reborn! DS Flame Rumble Hyper - Moeyo Mirai, Xanxus is mistakenly classified as having the cloud attribute, an error which is fixed in the later Flame Rumble games. Xanxus is one of the only three characters to have a story mode in Katekyō Hitman Reborn! Kindan no Yami no Delta. The other two are Tsuna and Chrome (together with Mukuro).


  • According to Peter Binsfeld's classification of the Seven Deadly Sins, Xanxus represents the Sin of Wrath. He shares the Sin trait with the rest of the Varia Members, whose names and personalities each resemble a Sin (Wrath, Lust, Greed, Sloth, Gluttony, Envy, and Pride).
  • In the previous popularity polls, Xanxus ranked fifth twice.
  • In the most recent poll, Xanxus ranked 9th in popularity and 4th in strength.
  • Xanxus' name and birth date also reflect the belief that he was the rightful 10th Vongola Boss. His name contains two X's, or 10's in Roman Numerals, as well as his birthday being October 10, or 10/10.
  • Xanxus was the first person shown to open a Sky Box Weapon.
  • In the Dream Match Poll, Xanxus was stated to fight "wildly and emotionally, but he combats without futility."
  • In a 2016 ranking, 500 Shonen Jump readers were polled on who is "the sexiest villain character (male)." Xanxus placed 16th alongside Funny Valentine (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure).[4][5]
  • In a 2019 ranking, 2,303 Shonen Jump readers were polled on which character has the most manly sex appeal. Xanxus placed 43rd out of 55 alongside Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) and Sakon (Puppet Master Sakon).[6]


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 Amano, Akira. Katekyō Hitman Reborn! Vongola 77. Tokyo: Shueisha. 2007. Print. p. 170
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Amano, Akira. REBORN! ēlDLIVE character's 365. Tokyo: Shueisha. 2016. Print.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Amano, Akira. Katekyo Hitman Reborn!. Tokyo: Shueisha, 2004–2012. Print. Vol. 35, Lussuria San-chome
  4. Eric Stimson (2016-05-15). Japanese Readers Choose Sexiest Shonen Jump Villains (Article). AnimeNewsNetwork.
  5. 少年ジャンプ史上最もセクシーな悪役ランキング 1位から10位 (Japanese). Goo Ranking (May 11, 2016). Retrieved on October 23, 2020.
  6. 男の色気がすごい!ジャンプキャラランキング (Japanese). Goo Ranking (May 25, 2019). Retrieved on October 23, 2020.