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Chrome: T-This is the... talk page for the article Cavallone Famiglia.
This space is for discussing changes to the page. Speculation is not allowed on our talk pages and all questions regarding the series should be directed to Discussions, where all your questions will be answered.

Cavallone or chiavorone[]

Someone want to say why is chiavorone and not cavallone? Are you Italian? I think not. Chiavorone don't exist in the italian language... And in the official image and in the italian version of the manga the name of Dino's family is CAVALLONE, and not Chiavorone.

Hey, dude, I am Italian and don't make fun of me...I don't see what being Italian has got to do w/ this. Does it really matter that Chiavorone doesn't exist in the Itlalian language? It's an anime, anything can go. But if i remember correctly, Chiavorone is used more. So, i don't know the specifics but don't think that no one on this Wikia is Italian. 13:22, June 1, 2010 (UTC)

Certo che c'entra, cavolo! Chissene se è un anime o un manga o una papera! Non possono dirmi che Chiavorone = Big Horse in Italian, perché non è vero. Io non vado di certo a dire che Big horse = GOMMOPENE, e se per caso non lo so mi informo, ma di certo non lo vado a dire in giro per il mondo il significato errato senza accettare le critiche delle persone che parlano data lingua.

Ok, its time to decide weather its Cavallone or Chiavorone. A lot of ppl believe its Cavallone, and the translation matches Cavallone better than Chiavorone. Even the way its said in the anime sounds more like Cavallone. So its time to decide..which is it. I think the evidence is heavily weighed on Cavallone at this point...AlienGamer (userpagetalk) 15:54, June 4, 2010 (UTC)
It's more of a translation issue; so I don't mind wich we choose to use. Chiavorone is used in the anime often, but Cavallone was translated too. So, I'll vote Cavaollone because it matches up more and the Italian definition matches up (like other words matching an Italian definition). BTW the reason I've changed it beccause it wasn't official descision yet. The one that hovers over the Wiki; creating nothing into something... Chrome9669 16:02, June 4, 2010 (UTC)

bene "tizio italiano" anchio sono italina e credo che se questo anime affronta il tema della mafia italiana e usa parole italiane è meglio scriverle nel modo giusto in questa wiki, anche nell'anime la prnuncia è più cavallone che chiaborone e anche tu saprai che cavallone è meglio dell'altra, guarda solo il tatuaggio di dino o il suo scrigno o box chiamalo come ti pare, sono cavalli o cos'altro? cavolone non dsignifica nulla! cavallone ha un significato e tu lo sai perfettamente cavaaaaaallo biaaaaaaaaaaaanco!..già..anche la traduzione cavallo bianco è sbagliata

well "italian guy" Iìm italian too and I think that if this anime trats the subject fo italian mafia and uses italian words is better to write them in the right way in this wiki, also in hthe anime the pronunciation of that name is more like cavallone than chiaborone and you also know that cavallone is better than the other one, just watch dino's tattoo or his box ,are horses or what else!? chiaborone means nothing! cavallone has a meaning and you perfectly know it biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig hoooooooooooorse!...yeah...also the translation white horse is wrong

It's sad to see such flammed discussion over such a matter. No need for it.

In any case, in the artbook Colore! (which is official japanese material) is spelled 'Cavallone' so it'd make more sense to use this version, since it's probably as the original author wants it.

Well, this matter is already closed...Also, i really don't think it's a flammed discussion (although, i don't know what the Italian part is saying). I do get why people want to defend their ancestory though...But yeah, this discussion has been closed for a while...--The one that hovers over the Wiki... Chrome9669 23:32, July 31, 2010 (UTC)

So in the end, which version was chosen? Here is written as "Chiavarone" but in the main Families article and some other places appears as "Cavallone" It's rather confusing.
OrangeAutumn 00:21, December 2, 2010 (UTC)
Sorry about that. "Chiavarone Famiglia" is the one we are going with..guess we forgot to change it in the Mafia Families page. Thanx for pointing that out...AlienGamer (UserpageTalk) 03:59, December 2, 2010 (UTC)
i think cavallone is better but ve must add a trivia about this so everyone are happy. Nitram86 13:33, May 30, 2011 (UTC)

Even if it is closed, if it's used by an author in an artbook, then that is its official spelling. And I'm curious, 'cause I haven't watched the anime, does it say Chiavarone in the subs or is it spelled on the screen somewhere, because it is not really a firm point if it's in the subs because translators get terminology wrong from time to time. Besides, the word "Cavallo" means horse, there is no such word as "Chiavaro" in the Italian language (based on translators), and how come it is Chiavarone in the article, when most of the users on this talk page support Cavallone? MadRest 19:18, July 22, 2011 (UTC)

...Chiavarone in italian is a sort of a nasty word like "what-a-great-fuck!" or something. It isn't a real word but the word "chiavare" is a dialectal word for "to fuck", so I DON'T THINK it is right to use that name... it is embarrasing...

Anyway, It is of course Cavallone bacause it means "big horse" (grande cavallo = cavallone), and it is very inspired to Dino and Enzo Ferrari. I hope you know what Ferrari is... and the Ferrari's logo is obviously a horse. So, because this family is inspired to the Ferrari "theme", Cavallone is the very obviously name instead a strange and indecent word as Chiavarone... 19:45, June 26, 2012 (UTC)

To be blunt honest, I don't even know how this discussion was closed when there doesn't seem much support. As I said in the past, Cavallone would sound better due to the Italian heritage and, in the back of the manga, they mention an Italian guy (at least in the beginning of the series) as like a helper. Also, Mad, we don't always go by author, Colore, translations. Why? Well, it's a matter difference between AG and I (front runners) then everyone else who voted. Quite annoying but it's true we should use official spellings from there. Meh, I think a vote should be opened again. Fiamma di Armonia - Sky ♥ Chrome9669 12:58, June 27, 2012 (UTC)
like i say before i'm italian and cavallore make more sense in italian but we know that amano is japanese and i don't think she know the italian lenguage so well so is possible that she think is chiavarrone and she choose the name even if in italian don't exist. but there isn't any problem for that reason we add teh trivia about the translation. Nitram86 16:13, June 27, 2012 (UTC)
In the back of the manga I had, it mentioned having an Italian on board. If no one has noticed, there are a TON of Italian references. I don't think she just happened to "get it right." Most people, when doing something about another language or culture, does in fact check out some things so they don't look completely like fools. It's really common on TV to look it up, even if it's a small reference. Fiamma di Armonia - Sky ♥ Chrome9669 17:13, June 27, 2012 (UTC)

Hi everyone i'm italian and I think that there is a mistake in this page:is CAVALLONE, not CHIAVARONE.

Chiabarone is how sounds in japanese but the correct translation is cavallone(big horse).

I hope that an admin or someone else can correct this error.


Enrico l'italiano82.54.80.72 16:36, October 14, 2013 (UTC)

Should a page be created for the former Chiavarone boss i.e. Dino's father? 12:31, February 8, 2014 (UTC)

Up to now, the name still hasn't been changed.リザ (talk) 18:13, April 6, 2016 (UTC)