Please respect these rules when editing. If you spot a vandalized page, please revert it. Please read all the rules pages before editing.
General Rules
- Please refrain from making edits unrelated to the series.
- Respect other editors.
- Do not vandalize current articles. Continued vandalism will result in a block.
- No offensive articles with sexual, vulgar language, or racist remarks.
- Do not make pointless articles. If you see one, put the
template along with the reason. - Please respect neutrality.
- Please don't start Edit wars. If you and another user can't agree on a point, take it into their talk page. If an edit war continues, there's a high chance the page will be protected.
- Don't edit archives. Archives are histories of old discussions meant to be used as reference. If you want to continue an old discussion, restart it in the normal Talk page.
- Please, no assumptions or speculation.
- When making extremely minor edits, such as adding punctuation or correcting misspelling, please do it while in the process of making a larger edit as much as possible.
- When copying directly from Wikipedia, please add the
template. - No advertising.
Reborn Wiki only uses official sources for references, spelling, and terms. Those mainly include the manga and its releases in both Shōnen Jump and tankōbon, the anime, the novels and other books by Amano, and the stage plays and its promotional material. If none of them have the info we need, we rely on merchandise such as trading cards and calendars, and Amano's tweets. For articles with no English translation gathered from the said sources, the {{Unofficial}}
is used.
Ways to stay Neutral
- Do not only provide one point of view, but all relevant viewpoints as necessary.
- Support your article with actual facts.
- Use a reliable source.
Ways to detect Bias
There are ways to detect if the article is biased. Here's how.
- The article only provides one point of view.
- Facts that come from the source may be biased.
- Does the article lack diversity?
- Do the facts in the article have to deal with the article?
Cleaning up Bias
Cleaning up Bias may be difficult, but it can be done.
- Gather facts from other perspectives or other points of view.
- Make sure your sources are not biased.
- Support your facts with valid sources.
- Never use user comments.
- Make sure your facts deal with the article.