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Over the course of the series, Reborn has worn many different outfits varying in design and culture. The following is a list of Reborn's costumes and disguises he wears throughout the Katekyo Hitman Reborn! series.

Regular outfits and occasions[]

These are Reborn's usual outfits and clothes for special occasions, while still distinctly being himself.

  • Mafia suit – Reborn's default outfit. It is a two-piece suit with a maroon long-sleeved shirt. He also wears a blue necktie, black leather shoes with light gray soles, and a fedora with an orange strip.
  • Reborn's pajamas – Reborn's pajamas are first seen when Tsuna and Yamamoto were having test problems and the Family (Gokudera, Kyoko, Bianchi, and Haru) were trying to help them. Reborn sleeps at this time wearing this outfit, only waking to say a few words; however, he later wakes up to give the correct answer. This prompts Haru's father to identify Reborn as Doctor Borin, a prodigious infant mathematician. Also, every night, Reborn is seen with these pajamas to sleep in.
  • Mr. Rebokku - An outfit Reborn wears to host Mr. Rebokku no Ciao Ciao Interview.

Alternate identities[]

These are costumes that Reborn uses to assume alternate identities, complete with names and some kind of history.

  • Master PaoPao – Master PaoPao is a Thai boxing elder. Reborn appeared as Master PaoPao again on top of a hippo named Saizou when Tsuna and Kyoko were on their first date. He also appeared in the anime during the Primo Family Arc while training Ryohei.
  • Professor Borine – Reborn's graduate costume. it was first seen during the Daily Life Arc. When Tsuna's group had trouble on problem #7, Haru calls her dad for help. When he can't solve the problem, Reborn said that there is an answer to that problem. While Reborn was talking, Haru's Father noticed Reborn's sideburns, he recognized Reborn as Professor Borin, a mathematical genius that can solve every single problem previously considered impossible to solve. It was shown again when Borin was talking with the Principal and one of the staff members, right after Kyoko took the assigning clipboard from Reborn so they could assign themselves to the class that they wanted to be placed in.
  • Reboko - Reborn's identity as a teenage girl. She was one of the three girls in Longchamp Naito's group date. Reborn also dressed up as her to support Haru and Kyoko's strike against the boys in the Future Arc.
  • Vongolavsky – Used by Reborn to secretly assign Tsuna, Gokudera, Yamamoto, and Kyoko in the same class; the school board also thinks that "Vongolavsky" is a special classroom assigner. Reborn used this costume to run all over Namimori Middle until Kyoko wins by catching him on top of the roof. With that, they get to be in the same class.
  • Mr. Riboyama – Reborn's teacher outfit, worn by Reborn when he took over Tsuna's class during the Open House. He started to teach the class when the teacher left to take care of Gokudera after the latter saw Bianchi. After introducing himself, Reborn told the class that they were going to work on their muscles, wearing a gi to best fit the situation.
  • Rebornberg – Reborn's director outfit, worn in the Vongola Style School Trip, Arrives!'s introduction; he refers to himself as "Rebornberg" in this costume. A portmanteau of Reborn and Spielberg.
  • Elder Rebo – It was first seen during the Monster Tamer Tsuna! series.

List of costumes[]

Occupational costumes[]

These are costumes that Reborn wears to portray specific vocations and jobs.

  • Doctor Reborn – Reborn's doctor costume. It is first seen during the Daily Life Arc when Reborn is trying to wake Tsuna for school. After the events of Tsuna confessing to Kyoko and fighting Kensuke Mochida, he ends up having to shock Tsuna, which, as claimed by himself, is the "special Vongola way" of waking a person. Reborn wears a head mirror on his head and wears a pair of metal plates for letting electricity through.
  • Chefs
    • Chef Reborn appeared as this costume in Haru's Haru Haru Interview: Dangerous when Bianchi appeared as a special guest.
    • Japanese cook – Reborn's Japanese cook costume. It was first seen when Haru was by Tsuna's house and saw that Lambo was driving Tsuna crazy, as always. Haru was wondering why Tsuna was acting this way. Reborn and Bianchi showed up behind her and asked if she wanted to eat Italian oden.
    • Pastry chef – Reborn's chocolate costume, worn by Reborn when he asked Tsuna if he thinks that he'll get chocolates this year. The gift box beside him is Leon.
  • Construction Worker – Reborn's construction man costume. It was first seen during the Daily Life Arc when Reborn was tutoring Tsuna on mathematics. Reborn would detonate a bomb on Tsuna whenever the latter got an answer wrong. Lambo makes his debut at this tutoring time as well. The second one was first seen during the Varia Arc when Tsuna heard about Gokudera training by himself. He rushes over there and see Gokudera trying to throw dynamites, but can't because he was heavily damaged. Gokudera tries it one more time and fails, but luckily, Iemitsu Sawada dug a hole with Reborn to protect him.
  • Death God – Reborn's death god costume. It was first seen worn by Reborn when Tsuna received the Skullitis disease from being shot by the Dying Will Bullet 10 times.
  • Priest – Reborn's priest costume. It was first seen in Tsuna's dream, the dream's shows being that the latter was marrying Kyoko with Reborn as the priest; however, the bride morphed into Haru instead.
  • Baseball player – Reborn's baseball player costume, a costume worn by Reborn when he was preparing Yamamoto's training program.
  • Hair stylist – Reborn's hair stylist costume. Reborn wears this outfit when helping Gokudera to combat wind resistance. Also, Leon is the comb.
  • New Year's – Reborn's new year's costume, worn by Reborn when he gathered Tsuna's Guardians at the time (Gokudera, Yamamoto, Ryohei) to compete against Dino's Cavallone Famiglia. Leon is the fan.
  • Samurai – Reborn's samurai costume. Reborn wore this during the snowball fight at Namimori Middle when he was calling out the names of each team.
  • Warrior – Reborn's warrior costume, worn by Reborn during the three-way snowball fight.
  • Caveman – Reborn's caveman costume, Reborn's outfit when starting the second round of the snowball fight. Reborn appeared as this costume again when Tsuna, Dino, Yamamoto and Gokudera went to Death Mountain.
  • Trainer – Reborn's trainer costume, worn by Reborn when he and Dino are training Tsuna, Gokudera, and Yamamoto in the Death Mountain.
  • Exorcist – Reborn's exorcist Costume, a costume worn by Reborn when the nurse was getting sick of Tsuna's disruptions in the hospital. The nurse put Tsuna in a small lab room full of insects and animals in jars; Reborn comes in with his exorcist costume and with the help of I-Pin, they come to exorcise Tsuna's room of the "evil spirit" that was causing all of his injuries.
  • Police officer – Reborn's police officer costume, worn by Reborn when he sent Tsuna back home to prevent Bianchi from adding her Poison Cooking to Haru and Kyoko's food.
  • Astronaut – Reborn's speace suit costume, worn by Reborn when Futa was ranking Haru's three most attractive features. It was seen again during the 291st chapter's colored cover page of Akira Amano's Katekyō Hitman Reborn!
  • Detective – Reborn's detective costume, worn by Reborn while he was conversing with Dino about the Kokuyo Junior High Gang. Reborn wore this costume again during the Varia Arc when Reborn recommended Tsuna to search for Lambo because he didn't come home for a long time.
  • Father – Reborn's father costume, worn by Reborn when Hana goes to the Sawada household to ask more about the 15-year-old Lambo.
  • Swimwear – Reborn's swimwear, worn by Reborn when Tsuna's family and friends were trying to teach him how to swim. Reborn wore this swimsuit again when Reborn surrounded Tsuna, Kyoko, and Haru around things with that are hot like a tea on a stove, etc. and Reborn on the side cooling down in his swimsuit surrounded by cool things like a pool of ice under him and drinking a cold drink.
  • Festival – Reborn's festival costume, worn by Reborn during the Namimori Festival. Leon is the mask.
  • Climber – Reborn's climbing suit, worn by Reborn when training Tsuna. DWM Tsuna chose to climb a mountain for practice to prepare for the Ring Battles with the Varia.
  • Gentleman – Reborn's gentleman costume, worn by Reborn when Tsuna fell off a cliff during his training for the Varia Ring Battles.
  • Yukata – Reborn's yukata, worn by Reborn while Tsuna and his Family visited a hot spring.
  • Ninja – Reborn's ninja outfit, worn by Reborn during the Varia Arc when popping up on the window when Tsuna was asking Dino about Hibari's fighting condition. Also, Leon is the headband. During some episodes, Reborn would be dressed as a ninja to do things secretly like listening in on a conversation.
  • Old Lady – Reborn's old lady costume, worn by Reborn when he attended Tsuna's Open House at Namimori Middle School to look for candidates to be in Tsuna's family.
  • Fairy Tutor – Reborn's fairy tutor costume, worn by Reborn 9 years and 10 months in the future while overseeing Tsuna and his Guardians training with Box Weapons. Reborn talks with a higher pitched voice while wearing this costume and instead of his normal "Ciaossu" catchphrase he says "Ciao-Ciao"
  • Girl – Reborn's girl costume, worn when Reborn was supporting Kyoko and Haru's boycott, the former and the latter initiating the boycott because of being kept in the dark about the fight with the Millefiore Famiglia. It also appears to be the same costume he wore when going bowling with Longchamp, along with Rikopin and Mayu-Mayu.
  • Tennis – Reborn's tennis costume, worn when telling Tsuna and Enma not to run away from the mafia.
  • Coveralls – Reborn in women's coveralls, seen in the episode where Shoichi Irie wanted to return the Bovino Famiglia's box to Lambo. Shoichi asked for Reborn and he saw Reborn as a girl.
  • Vongola Pizza Delivery – Reborn's pizza delivery costume. It is first seen during the Daily Life Arc when Reborn wants Tsuna to be in the volleyball match. Reborn did this by poisoning the pizza, thus making the volleyball players unable to play and makes Tsuna a volleyball member. Leon appears to be the pizza box.
  • Camouflage – Reborn's camouflage costume. It was first seen during the Daily Life Arc when Dino was explaining the training that happened when Reborn was his tutor. He wore a camouflage suit when Dino failed at fighting a bear with his whip.
  • Haiku Reader – Reborn's haiku reading costume. It was first seen during the Daily Life Arc when Tsuna was sick with the Skullitis disease and it was almost time for Tsuna to die and Reborn was reading a haiku about Tsuna living a short life and ending in the sunset.
  • Grandpa – Reborn's grandpa costume. It was first seen during the Daily Life Arc when Tsuna was done eating breakfast and leaving for school and Reborn was dressed like an old man reading the newspaper.
  • Tea Serving – Reborn's tea serving costume. It was first seen during the Daily Life Arc when Haru and Kyoko were having their once-a-month cake eating snack. After, Reborn offered Kyoko and Haru to Tsuna's house.
  • Cupid – Reborn's cupid costume. It was first seen during the Daily Life Arc when Hana was thinking what made Tsuna so passionate to find out who Kyoko gave her chocolates to. Hana thinks cupid shot him with his arrow. And the cupid shown was Reborn with Leon as his bow.
  • Hunter – Reborn's hunter costume. It was first seen during the Daily Life Arc when Reborn, Bianchi, and Lambo were eating the expensive sushi and they ran away because they didn't want to pay the bills. The bill was 70,000 yen. Because Tsuna didn't have that much money, Reborn, in his hunter costume suggested that he should work to pay the money off because Reborn said that a person who doesn't work doesn't deserve to eat. Reborn appeared as this costume when Tsuna was training to learn Zero Point Breakthrough: First Edition for the Varia Ring Battle.
  • Diver – Reborn's diving suit. It was first seen during the Daily Life Arc when Tsuna and this senior lifeguard was swimming for a race. Tsuna saw a little girl floating away to sea. Tsuna decided to risk his life to save that girl because when he was a kid, he floated away to sea and lifeguards saved him. When he reaches the girl, he sinks. Reborn, in his diving suit shot Tsuna with a Dying Will Bullet and saved the little girl.
  • Old Sensei – Reborn's old sensei costume. It was first seen during the end of the Varia battles and the gang were celebrating at Yamamoto's sushi place. When Basil and Lacia are leaving to go back to Italy, Lambo is seen running around. When Reborn was pissed, he attacked Lambo with Leon's version of Violent Snake Fierce Domination. Lambo was crying after, and threw a huge pack of his grenades at Tsuna. Tsuna was seen flying away and ended up hanging on the telephone pole. Reborn was seen with this costume and told Tsuna that he needs more training. After, Tsuna cried for help.
  • Kimono – Reborn's kimono costume. It was first seen after the battles with the Varia. Reborn, in this kimono, suggested Tsuna to take a "winter test of courage." Reborn wore another kimono during winter test of courage when Reborn was telling Tsuna that he was late and that his partner was waiting.
  • Waiter – Reborn's waiter suit. It was first seen during the Daily Life Arc when Kyoko and Haru were taking a footbath and Reborn, in his waitor suit asked them if they wanted a foot massage.
  • Nagging Mother-in-Law – Reborn's nagging costume. It was first seen during the Daily Life Arc when Tsuna asked if Reborn was supposed to be a naggin mother-in-law and Reborn got mad and started smacking Tsuna with a broom in the butt.
  • Maid – Reborn's maid costume. It was first seen during the Daily Life Arc when Reborn scolded Tsuna for not squeezing the towel hard enough. Tsuna asked how this deals with training and Reborn started hitting rapidly with a towel.
  • Principal – When Nezu Dohachiro was in the principal's office arguing with Tsuna, Gokudera and Yamamoto, there was a wall of the pictures of the previous principals and in one of it, Reborn was shown.
  • Special suit – Reborn's special suit. It was first seen during the beginning of the Future Arc when Reborn had to wear this in the Vongola secret base. If he doesn't wear this, he'll feel really ill.
  • Bicyclist – Reborn's bicycle riding costume. It was first seen during the Future Arc when he was riding the bicycle to follow Yamamoto as he was doing his warm-ups.

Animals and objects[]

These are costumes that can be inanimate objects, plants, or animals.

  • Chestnut suit – Reborn's chestnut suit was first seen when Gokudera claims that it was boring in the house. As a result, Reborn comes in this suit, the suit's name being a pun on words in Japanese. "Bikkuri" means "surprising", and "big kuri" means "big chestnut". Reborn uses this costume to spy on people who use trains for long-distance commuting. People are scared of the spikes, so nobody bothers him. The costume was actually made by Bianchi when she was in elementary school for home economics class. The one who touches the spikes would go to heaven in 30 seconds, as claimed by Reborn himself. Reborn appeared as this costume again when Tsuna, Dino, Yamamoto, and Gokudera went to Death Mountain.
  • Panda – Reborn's panda costume, a costume first seen in the Daily Life Arc when Tsuna was looking for a babysitter for Lambo.
  • Greek statue – Reborn's Greek costume, worn by Reborn when the residents of the Sawada household were going to Mafia Land for a vacation.
  • Indoor plant – Reborn's plant costume. It was first seen during the Daily Life Arc when Tsuna and Yamamoto failed their math test and Reborn decided that the extra credit they got from their teacher should be done at Tsuna's house. It was seen again when Superbia Squalo fought Basil, Tsuna, Yamamoto, and Gokudera for the fake Half Vongola Rings.
  • Pigeon – Reborn's pigeon costume, worn by Reborn during the Varia Arc when Haru was testing Tsuna to see if he's a good or bad person. He was spying on Haru with this costume with Bianchi holding him on her hand.
  • Spider – Reborn's spider outfit, worn during a Team Reborn meeting on the second day of the Representative Battle of the Rainbow.
  • Groundhog – Reborn's groundhog costume. It was first seen during the Daily Life Arc when Tsuna's group were surrounded by a wildfire, caused by Gokudera's dynamites when Bianchi looked at him.
  • Electric Catfish – Reborn's catfish costume. It was first seen during the Daily Life Arc when Tsuna gave up confidence on learning how to swim. This costume is instilled with lightning. Reborn used this costume to electrify Tsuna and keep him from giving up.
  • Child doll – Reborn's child doll costume, worn by Reborn during the Varia Arc when Tsuna was questioning Hana about Lambo's whereabouts.
  • Vase – Reborn's vase costume. It was first seen during the Varia Arc when Gokudera was done explaining the events that happened so far in the Vongola Ring Battles. Reborn, in this costume, caught Gokudera being nice to Lambo for once.
  • Eggplant – Reborn's eggplant costume. It was first seen during the Inheritance Ceremony Arc when Yamamoto wanted to see how good Kaoru is at baseball. He commented that he was nervous when other people watched him play. But, he was able to play after Reborn and the others wore vegetable costumes made by Haru and cheered for him. When he threw the ball, the ball vanished as Yamamoto caught it. This made Reborn wonder what he was capable of and only furthered his theory that the Simon Famiglia wasn't as weak as they were rumored to be.
  • bagworm sleeping bag – It was first seen during the Future Arc. It lets Reborn sleep anywhere at any time.

Character cosplay[]

These are miniature outfits of characters in the series. More often used in merchandise than in-story.

