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Reborn Wiki
Reborn Wiki
Reborn Wiki

Reborn is the eponymous character of the Katekyo Hitman Reborn! series, who showed up one day to train Tsunayoshi Sawada to be the next boss of the Vongola Famiglia. As Tsuna's tutor he is a central presence across the Reborn manga and the anime adaption. Additionally Reborn cannot be missed in the series' video games, drama CDs, and promotional materials.

Sent by Vongola Nono, he is a member of the Mafia and renowned for a multitude of reasons. Though in the form of a baby, Reborn holds the title of The World's Strongest Hitman. An Arcobaleno, he is the holder of the Yellow Arcobaleno Pacifier. Acquainted with many, particularly assassins such as Bianchi, and Dino, where he is also familiar with Tsuna's dad, Iemitsu Sawada, Reborn can bring in others for his often incomprehensible escapades.

Fond of his disguises and various personas, Reborn has unconventional ways of tutoring that he is delighted to share with Tsuna. It comes from a place of helping him however, where Reborn would practically address Tsuna's "no-good" label given to him by others. Further, by helping tie in Hayato Gokudera and Takeshi Yamamoto among others into his life, Reborn would additionally bolster the developing family where they could prevail in what could be a ruthless mafia world.


Reborn full body manga

Reborn with Leon the shape-changing chameleon

Reborn is a small infant with large eyes that are almost completely black. He has black spiky hair that remains so even under his hat, and unique thin curly sideburns. His main outfit is a small all black suit, with a red long-sleeved shirt. Additionally, Reborn wears a black necktie that can be in different colors such as blue. The most distinguished piece of clothing is his black fedora that features an orange stripe. Leon, his animal partner, is usually seen resting on the brim of his hat.

Reborn in Aoi Yume

His height and regular appearance

Like all Arcobaleno, Reborn has a pacifier on his chest, specifically the Yellow Arcobaleno Pacifier. This radiates a light when other Arcobaleno are near. After his curse is lifted, Reborn loses the pacifier, however, he compensates with a replica pacifier with the claim that he could not be at ease without one.[4]

Adult Reborn bunko 21 cover

Reborn from Volume 21 of the bunko edition.

Reborn's true form is a tall and lean man. He wears a yellow long-sleeved shirt instead, and his blazer is changed to a waistcoat in some promotional images. Sometimes, his shadow is in the shape of his original adult form, which is visible to some as when he first shows up to train Dino, or Takeshi Yamamoto.

Reborn has also worn numerous costumes that vary in design and creativity. The costumes are realistic enough to either blend into the surroundings or to disguise into another person entirely. In donning such attire Reborn is able to have others see him as them, such as where Ryohei Sasagawa sees him as Master PaoPao, even where it is obvious to Tsuna that it's Reborn.


Confident in his posture and manner of speaking, Reborn proudly declares his status as the strongest hitman. He shows it as well by being capable of employing various techniques and resorting to an all manner of weapons appropriate to the circumstances. He remains calm throughout matters and always puts on a poker face. Ever in control of a situation, Reborn has the means to counter sneak attacks such as returning a grenade from Lambo right back at him, to being able to overcome much larger opponents in the event he is physically manhandled.

Reborn Smiles

Reborn's sly and self-assured smile

Reborn is normally mischievous, unpredictable and comically sadistic, earning the "Spartan tutor" nickname from Tsuna. He enjoys pulling pranks, teasing his students, and generally sowing chaos for his own amusement. Reborn is also fond of cosplaying and dressing up for dramatic effect, often tailoring it for the situation at hand. Despite his playfulness, as Tsuna's tutor, most of the activities he carries out is for his student's sake. Reborn teaches with the intent to make Tsuna a splendid boss.

A subtle deterministic side is shown that was only hinted at and it was not until the end that Reborn expressed the extent of his fatalistic thinking.[5] It was revealed in a flashback that Reborn initially showed great anger towards the Arcobaleno Curse. However, after a period of wandering, he came to accept it, and asked Shamal to erase his personal history.[1] Afterwards, he believed that dying as an Arcobaleno was inevitable, and was even resigned to becoming a member of the Vindice, until Tsuna convinced him to fight for otherwise.[5][6]

While he rarely displays genuine anger, Reborn has admitted to having snapped when the Gola Moska was revealed to be carrying Timoteo. He was also enraged when he could only helplessly watch as Tsuna was being beaten up by Demon Spade. Reborn's temper is formidable and intimidating enough that even the normally impassive Cervello have expressed apprehension in response to it.[7]

Having a master's degree in mathematics, Reborn is able and comfortable with teaching others. For other interests, Reborn's favorite drink is coffee espresso.[2] Venti is his standard.[8] His favorite food is vongole fettuccine as well as what maman makes.[2] For hobbies they include napping, tutoring Tsuna, and weapons maintenance.[2] That Reborn is a member of the Italian bird society likely indicates his interest in them. For traits Reborn shares with others, as with Colonnello, he often sleeps with his eyes open, as does his pet chameleon, Leon.

The support he provides others is notable. When undergoing training Tsuna, should progress need to be sped up Reborn is more than willing to take shortcuts such as using the dying will bullet to have him train, even rest, to excel quicker. It is applied to others on occasion, for Gokudera he prepares a personal training program for him. He takes to training Yamamoto personally for him to develop his sword skills. As Master PaoPao it is similar when assisting Ryohei with his training.


Hibari and Reborn

Blocking Hibari's attack

True to his title, Reborn has exceptional combat abilities, in close quarters he can overcome larger opponents. Having great endurance he can block assaults with thin utensils without any strain on himself. His physical strength is demonstrated when he kicks someone away a great distance. Reborn also has sharp reflexes and keen senses, easily blocking attacks from strong foes such as Kyoya Hibari, or another Arcobaleno Colonnello. Even with an infant body, he can effortlessly scale high places and land from them.

Able to fire a bullet with accuracy within 0.05 seconds,[citation needed] his reflexes allow him to activate Tsuna's dying will state in the split-second time before he was knocked away by Xanxus. He fired a Dying Will Bullet to Tsuna even when moving fast or obstructed by dust. When Tsuna was falling, Reborn was ready to shoot him into his dying will mode to save Yamamoto. Possessing a vast amount of Sun Flames, his projectile can split to strike multiple targets.

Reborn has shown great leadership skills. The people surrounding him, including other Arcobaleno, defer to his cues and his judgment while consulting his opinion. In times of emergency, his orders are solid enough to be respected and followed. The power of his quiet leadership is also displayed, in allowing events to play out, Reborn can monitor a situation and intervene if appropriate. In falling asleep even in times of hardship there are merits to that non-involved approach where it prods others to take matters into their own hands, and succeed.

Reborn states that he can read minds, and displays this ability of clairvoyance. It goes beyond intuition, Reborn is shown to know what Tsuna as well as Lal are literally thinking about. Often when Tsuna is considering a matter in his mind, Reborn will speak to answer verbally. A distinct prescience is also displayed, however tense a situation is, Reborn's approach of having events unfold discloses this trait given the unlikelihood of many outcomes.

A far reaching overseer, Reborn masterfully navigated a scenario of enabling Tsuna to show the willingness to endure injury for his friends as they did for him, then having evidently positioned Doctor Shamal, and the adult forms of Lambo and I-Pin around the Bloody Twins they could deal with threats to Kyoko Sasagawa and Haru Miura across various locations. Akin to the Grandmaster of a chess board, Reborn's maneuvering helped Tsuna who was in a hostage situation, and then had recourse prepared just in case true danger to the team arose, which also prevented Tsuna from harming himself with the danger having been quelled.

  • Chaos Shot: Through Leon, he fires a set of Sun Flames that numbs all the body's organs and nearly shuts them down making the body act as if it were dead. It functions similarly to a homing missile and can even split into two or more projectiles at will.
  • Zoolingualism: A world-renowned interpreter in both insect and animal languages, Reborn has various of the former for henchmen. It is specifically insects who Reborn uses as various types of seasonal insects to spy and gather information.


Reborn's main weapon is his shape-shifting chameleon Leon.

  • Reborn's costumes: Reborn likes to wear different costumes and adopt different identities for both pragmatic spying purposes, and for his own amusement. These can afford a disguise for him, or help with the persona he is acting as. It may be thanks to these as to why Reborn has really high "mafia hide-and-seek" rankings.
  • Leon: A shape-shifting chameleon and Reborn's main Weapon, it is also his partner. Though not always seen in battle, he is so strong that he can handle Tsuna and his Guardians without any trouble. Reborn regularly uses Leon's transformation ability as props for his many costumes.
Reborn firing chaos shot

Firing at targets

    • Gun: Reborn uses this to shoot either near or at someone. He also uses this to shoot Tsuna with the Dying Will Bullet or the Criticism Shot.
  • Reverse One Ton Mallet: Although only shown in the anime for comedic purposes, in the manga, the One Ton Mallet has an ability that only Reborn can use. At will, Reborn can lift and swing this weapon around as if it were as light as a feather and if Reborn hits someone with it, their Dying Will Flames would be extinguished. It can also be used as a normal weapon. In the anime, Leon uses his shapeshifting abilities to become the mallet, but in the manga, the mallet is a separate entity.


Leon Chameleon

Reborn's old chameleon

  • In the anime, Reborn's usual gun when Leon transforms is the CZ75 1ST.
  • Reborn, before becoming an Arcobaleno, had a pet chameleon.[14]
  • In the most recent poll, Reborn ranked 13th in popularity and 3rd in strength.
  • He is both the very first character to appear at the start of the series as well as the last character shown towards the finale. Similarly, he is the first and the last character to be in the tankōbon covers.

Character Songs[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Katekyo Hitman Reborn! anime: Episode 149
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Amano, Akira. Katekyō Hitman Reborn! Vongola 77. Tokyo: Shueisha. 2007. Print. p. 22
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Amano, Akira. REBORN! ēlDLIVE character's 365. Tokyo: Shueisha. 2016. Print.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Amano, Akira. Katekyo Hitman Reborn!. Tokyo: Shueisha, 2004–2012. Print. Vol. 42: Chapter 409
  5. 5.0 5.1 Amano, Akira. Katekyo Hitman Reborn!. Tokyo: Shueisha, 2004–2012. Print. Vol. 40: Chapter 390
  6. Amano, Akira. Katekyo Hitman Reborn!. Tokyo: Shueisha, 2004–2012. Print. Vol. 41: Chapter 393
  7. Amano, Akira. Katekyo Hitman Reborn!. Tokyo: Shueisha, 2004–2012. Print. Vol. 14: Chapter 122
  8. Amano, Akira. Katekyo Hitman Reborn!. Tokyo: Shueisha, 2004–2012. Print. Vol. 10, Chapter 82 extra
  9. Amano, Akira. Katekyo Hitman Reborn!. Tokyo: Shueisha, 2004–2012. Print. Vol. 2: Chapter 9
  10. Amano, Akira. Katekyo Hitman Reborn!. Tokyo: Shueisha, 2004–2012. Print. Vol. 3: Chapter 23
  11. Amano, Akira. Katekyo Hitman Reborn!. Tokyo: Shueisha, 2004–2012. Print. Vol. 5: Chapter 34
  12. File:084-01C_Minions_of_spring.jpg:
  13. 霜月朔凪 (sanagi_november @ Twitter) (September 26, 2018). 家庭教師ヒットマンREBORN!the STAGE 9月26日14時公演 (Japanese) (Blog). Retrieved on October 12, 2020. “蝶々を連れたリボーン、春の子分(笑)”
  14. Amano, Akira. Katekyo Hitman Reborn!. Tokyo: Shueisha, 2004–2012. Print. Vol. 36: Chapter 350