The Millefiore Family, commonly known as Millefiore and Millefiore Famiglia [millefjore famiʎa], is the most powerful Mafia Famiglia in the world as depicted in the Future Arc, replacing the Vongola Famiglia.
The goal of the Millefiore is to collect the Tri-ni-sette, and use it to recreate all of existence. After the Future Arc has ended, their objective is to free Uni of the short-lifespan curse of a Sky Arcobaleno.
The Millefiore Famiglia is the merging result of two powerful Mafia Famiglias in the future: the Gesso Famiglia led by Byakuran, and the Giglio Nero Famiglia, led by Uni. Byakuran dulled Uni's heart with a drug to make her agree to the merging of the Famiglias.

The 17 squad leaders and Byakuran meeting.

Squad insignias.
The Millefiore Famiglia is organized into 17 different squads, each named after a plant or flower.[1] Though among them, only six leaders are A-rank or above.[2] Each group is labeled as either Black Spell or White Spell, to indicate their previous allegiance – Black Spell for Giglio Nero, and White Spell for Gesso.[3]
Those originally from the Giglio Nero have a tendency for direct combat, while the Gesso tend toward cunning battle tactics. There is a general sense of hatred and distrust between members of the White Spell and the Black Spell, resulting in a lack of communication and sabotage by individual squads.
Squad | Captain | Name | Members | Spell |
0 Squad | Byakuran | Paphiopedilum (パフィオペディラム, Pafiodendirumu?) | Byakuran's bodyguards | White |
1st Squad | Uni | Calendula (カレンヅラ(キンセンカ), Karenjura (Kinsenka)?) | Unknown | Black |
2nd Squad | Shoichi Irie (A) | Rosa (ローザ(バラ), Rōza (Bara)?) | Unknown | White |
3rd Squad | Gamma (A) | Aphelandra (アフェランドラ, Aferandora?) | Tazaru (C++) Nosaru (D) Ape Giaggiolo |
Black |
4th Squad | Unknown | Ciclamino (チクラミーノ(シクラメン), Chikuramīno (Shikuramen)?) | Genkishi (A) | Black |
5th Squad | Unknown | Odontoglossum (オドントグロッサム, Odontogurossamu?) | Unknown | Black |
6th Squad | Unknown | Mughetto (ムゲット(すずらん), Mugetto (Suzuran)?) | Leonardo Lippi (F) | White |
7th Squad | Baishana | Fiore del Cotone (フィオーレ・デル・コトーネ(綿), Fiōre deru Kotōne (Wata)?) | Unknown | White |
8th Squad | Glo Xinia | Glicine (グリチネ(フジ), Gurichine (Fuji)?) | Ginger Bread (Vice-Captain) (above C++) Cappuccino |
White |
9th Squad | Nigella Beabankul | Girasole (ジラソーレ(ひまわり), Jirasōre (Himawari)?) | Unknown | Black |
10th Squad | Unknown | Nigella (ニジェッラ(ニゲラ), Nijerra (Nigera)?) | Unknown | White |
11th Squad | Unknown | Viola (ヴィオラ(すみれ), Viora (Sumire)?) | Unknown | Black |
12th Squad | Iris Hepburn | Camellia (カメリア(つばき), Kameria (Tsubaki)?) | Deadly Stem Force | White |
13th Squad | Unknown | Balsamina (バルサミーナ(ホウセンカ), Barusamīna (Housenka)?) | Unknown | White |
14th Squad | Unknown | Tulipano (トゥリパーノ(チューリップ), Turipāno (Chūrippu)?) | Unknown | Black |
15th Squad | Unknown | Dente di Leone (デンテ・ティ・レオーネ(タンポポ), Dente di Reōne (Tanpopo)?) | Unknown | White |
16th Squad | Dendro Chilum | Rhododendron (ロドデンドロ(しゃくなげ), Rodorendoro (Shakunage)?) | Unknown | Black |
17th Squad | Unknown | Aquilegia (アクイレージャ(オダマキ), Akuirēja (Odamaki)?) | Unknown | Black |
18th Squad | Bligganteth | Belladonna Lily | Biokilulu Devolt |
Red |
Note: The 18th Squad, Belladonna Lily - Millefiore's assassination squad, is featured only in games, and is non-canon.
Six Funeral Wreaths[]
Six members, usually captains of a squad, are holders of Mare Rings. They are called the Six Funeral Wreaths, the most powerful group in the Famiglia. Known only to Byakuran and its members, they perform duties similar to the Guardians of the Vongola Famiglia.
Byakuran gave Fake Mare Rings to the Fake Funeral Wreaths to gauge the strength of the Vongola Famiglia and to hide the identities of the real Six Funeral Wreaths, which remain known only to him.
Other Millefiore Famiglia Members
60-year-old man*[4]
Plot Overview[]
After Zakuro has activated his box weapon he details how the Millefiore family's level of science succeeded in extracting Tyrannosaurus Rex DNA to fuse with a box weapon. The one within Zacuro's chest to allow him to form into a T-Rex hybrid is a result of Millefiore research.[5]
- Millefiore means "a thousand flowers" in Italian.
- Millefiore is an uncorrect form: the exactly Italian is "Millefiori" (fiori is the plural form of fiore)
- Though Millefiore was dissolved after Future Uni awoke from her drugged state, Team Uni uses the Millefiore emblem on the chapter cover of teams who were participating.
- ↑ Amano, Akira. Katekyo Hitman Reborn!. Tokyo: Shueisha, 2004–2012. Print. Vol. 19
- ↑ Amano, Akira. Katekyo Hitman Reborn!. Tokyo: Shueisha, 2004–2012. Print. Vol. 18: Chapter 156
- ↑ Amano, Akira. Katekyo Hitman Reborn!. Tokyo: Shueisha, 2004–2012. Print. Vol. 17: Chapter 146
- ↑ Amano, Akira. Katekyo Hitman Reborn!. Tokyo: Shueisha, 2004–2012. Print. Vol. 19: Chapter 167
- ↑ Amano, Akira. Katekyo Hitman Reborn!. Tokyo: Shueisha, 2004–2012. Print. Vol. 28: Chapter 266