The Kokuyo Arc (黒曜編, Kokuyō-hen?) is the second story arc of the Katekyo Hitman Reborn! series. It follows Tsuna and his Family's attempt at saving Futa and stop the Kokuyo Junior High Gang.
Plot Overview[]
List Countdown[]

Hibari trapped in the Sakura Trees.
Several members of the Namimori Middle Disciplinary Committee were attacked around town; each of them losing a number of teeth. Ryohei Sasagawa encountered one of the assailants, challenging him to a fight. On their way to school, Tsunayoshi Sawada and Reborn met Kyoya Hibari telling them that Ryohei had been attacked. The duo went to the hospital to visit him and discovered that he had several broken bones and had five teeth pulled out. Ryohei also confirmed that his attacker was from Kokuyo Middle School and asked Tsuna to keep the fight a secret from his sister. Other students from Namimori were also being attacked, prompting Hibari to confront the gang and leave for Kokuyo Land.
At the hideout, Hibari defeated several students and confronted the leader who claimed to be the new order in town. Hibari suddenly started to collapse. The leader commented that he had prepared several Sakura flowers as he knew of Hibari's weakness. He then started beating Hibari into a pulp. Unknown to Hibari, Futa was watching from a corner.
Hayato Gokudera vs. Chikusa Kakimoto[]
Leon's tail had fallen off to which Reborn commented that it was a bad sign. Leon also started shapeshifting erratically and uncontrollably. The Vice chairman of the Disciplinary Committee was then brought in wounded. Reborn noticed that he had four teeth missing and stated that they were targeting Tsuna. He explained that the number of teeth lost was a countdown of the strongest students at Namimori according to Futa's ranking. Tsuna then panicked after seeing who the next two targets were and went to warn them while Reborn went to get information from Dino.
Gokudera protecting Tsuna.
While walking through the street, Hayato Gokudera encountered a member of Kokuyo named Chikusa who attacked and killed two bystanders using poisonous darts. Gokudera ran around a corner and attacked Chikusa using his dynamites. Chikusa diffused all of them using his yo-yo. Upon dodging the attack, Gokudera asked which family Chikusa was with to which Chikusa was able to confirm that he was a member of the Vongola Famiglia and began interrogating him as to his boss's whereabouts. Gokudera tried using Dynamite again but was surrounded by Chikusa's darts. He was able to dodge again using mini bombs to propel himself towards Chikusa who dodged his attack. Gokudera threw Dynamite once more but included mini bombs in order to confuse Chikusa who was caught in an explosion. Tsuna then arrived to warn Gokudera, who (believing himself to have won) gave away Tsuna's position as the Tenth boss of Vongola. Chikusa revealed himself to be grievously wounded but conscious and attacked Tsuna. However Gokudera stepped in the way taking the attack and falling unconscious. Takeshi Yamamoto arrived just in time to push Tsuna away from another attack and upon noticing Gokudera, cut Chikusa's yoyo with his Katana. Upon noticing the police's arrival Chikusa then retreated.
Gokudera was taken to Doctor Shamal to treat his injuries. Reborn arrived and claimed that the identity of the attackers were three escaped prisoners who had recently enrolled to Kokuyo and that their leader Mukuro Rokudo was responsible for uniting the school hoodlums. According to Reborn, the three escaped inmates had been cast out by the Mafia. Reborn revealed a letter from Vongola Nono stating that Tsuna must capture the escaped inmates and rescue their prisoner. While contemplating the news on the way home Tsuna was surprised to find Gokudera seemingly recovered (it was later revealed that Shamal had given him a cure with a side effect). They were then joined by Bianchi and Yamamoto. Reborn claimed to know the enemies location. While back at home preparing, Reborn warned Tsuna that his other pupils had near death experiences while Leon was in his state. He also reminded Tsuna that he wouldn't be fighting as the orders were for Tsuna and that in his state Leon could only make one more Dying Will Bullet. The five then set out for Kokuyo Land.
Kokuyo Land Invasion[]
Upon arrival Tsuna remembered being brought there before when he was younger and was volunteered by Reborn to lead the way. Tsuna remembered being close to an exhibit of Flora and Fauna but couldn't see it. At that moment they were attacked by a pack of dogs, however they were revealed to be dead already. Suddenly a feral like figure pounced at Yamamoto knocking him to the ground which caved in. The figure then jumped into the hole after him. Reborn deduced that the Flora and Fauna exhibit had been buried under the dirt bellow them and that they would be unable to help Yamamoto without the exhibit collapsing around him.
Ken vs. Yamamoto
Down in the hole, although Yamamoto was ok the figure revealed himself to be one of the escaped inmates and put something in his mouth. He then ricocheted from wall to wall and attempted to bite Yamamoto who defended himself with his sword. However in the process the sword was broken. Ken then revealed that he was able to change his abilities to those of many animals by putting their fangs into his mouth. As a demonstration he activated his Kong channel and used his increased strength to throw Yamamoto. Ken then used his Wolf channel and while Yamamoto was unable to see him in the dark Ken was able to smell the blood of the dogs he had thrown at them earlier. Reborn noted that Yamamoto was being especially careful to avoid injury due to his love of baseball. Tsuna then blamed himself for bringing Yamamoto along to which Reborn kicked him into the hole. Ken instantly switched targets but was stopped by Yamamoto who threw a rock at the back of his head. Ken swapped to Cheetah channel and charged at Yamamoto dodging his second rock and biting his arm. However Yamamoto used this opportunity to strike Ken in the head using his sword handle leaving Ken seemingly defeated. Yamamoto then commented that an arm was a fine sacrifice to protect a friend. They then tied up Ken and climbed out of the hole. Yamamoto was bandaged and given a new bat. However Ken then revealed that he had been playing possum in case they tried to interrogate him but claimed that it wouldn't matter as Mukuro would defeat them all. Bianchi silenced him by dropping a boulder on his head. Reborn also showed the group a prison photo of Mukuro, who unknown to them looked nothing like the leader of the gang.
Bianchi vs. M.M.[]
M.M. vs. Bianchi.
Meanwhile Chikusa woke up at Kokuyo land and revealed to Mukuro that he had been in contact with the Vongola. Mukuro stated that he already knew and claimed that reinforcements had arrived. The group continued to travel until stopping for lunch. Suddenly an odd noise was heard and the food started to bubble and explode. After taking cover Gokudera threw Dynamite in the attacker's direction. However a girl in Kokuyo uniform with a Clarinet, emerged from the explosion unharmed introducing herself as M.M Bianchi then stepped up to fight and pointed out that the sound-waves from the clarinet creates vibrations that heat up the molecules within a target causing them to explode. Bianchi then charged at M.M. using her Poison Cooking as a shield. However M.M. revealed that the clarinet was also a Nunchuku and used it to knock Bianchi over. However, as she placed the clarinet to her lips in order to finish Bianchi off she realized that the clarinet had been poisoned. Gokudera then revealed to the others that Bianchi is capable of turning anything she touches to poison and that she had already touched the clarinet. M.M. then collapsed to the ground in disbelief.
Birds and Bloody Twins Appears[]
Birds appears.
At that moment an old man with several birds on his shoulders, appeared behind them cackling and revealing his name to be Birds. He then showed them a laptop with live video of Kyoko and Haru and claimed that they were being targeted. He pointed out that two figures were watching the girls and claimed that they were the serial killers known as the Bloody Twins. He claimed that they were under his orders not to touch the girls as long as the Vongola followed his orders. As a test he ordered the others to beat up Tsuna. While they discussed it he showed them the Twin's ability to cut metal with their fingernails. Although the others refused Bianchi was glad to punch Tsuna as it was her original aim to assassinate him.
I-Pin defeated Djiji
Even so, she held back her punch. However Birds demands were not over as he produced a dagger and demanded that they stab Tsuna. Eventually Tsuna decided to do it himself, unaware that the blade was poisoned. However before he could stab his leg Dr Shamal appeared to aid Kyoko and Adult I-Pin and Lambo saved Haru. They revealed that they had both been ordered by Reborn. Shamal and I-Pin then defeated the Twins and before Birds could escape he was knocked unconscious by Gokudera. Reborn then revealed that he had always known about the others but wasn't aware they would appear as well. At that moment Bianchi noticed someone in the shadows and told them to reveal themselves. The person revealed himself to be Futa who (with a distressed voice) told Tsuna that he was staying with Mukuro and ran into the forest. Tsuna chased him but the others were stopped by a flying girder that blocked their path. The girder was shown to be thrown by a tall man carrying a huge ball and chain with his face covered.
Tsunayoshi Sawada vs. "Mukuro"[]
Meanwhile as he was looking in the woods for Futa, Tsuna ran into a Kokuyo student who claimed to have been held prisoner by the gang. Tsuna was unaware however that the student was in fact the gang leader. During the conversation he took a strange interest in Reborn and his abilities demanding information while revealing a strange symbol in his right eye. Tsuna was promptly spooked and ran off again giving the gang leader apparent amusement. Chikusa then appeared from the shadows and pointed out that Reborn must be an Arcobaleno with a special ability.
"Mukuro" prepares to kill Tsuna and his friends.
Meanwhile the man with the ball and chain revealed himself to be the Mukuro from the photo but claimed to be unaware of anyone named Futa. With great strength he began swinging the massive ball and chain through the air causing Gokudera to collapse due fear of being hit and the side effect of Shamals treatment. Yamamoto then stood up to fight but when Mukuro used a palm thrust to hurl the ball towards him Yamamoto found it impossible to avoid and was sent flying. However he stood up again as he had used his bat as a shield. Mukuro then used the same attack as before but Yamamoto threw up a cloud of dust allowing him to see the air currents and avoid the attack. Reborn deduced that the air currents were the result of the snake shaped groves in the ball that create a violent turbulence. Mukuro remained calm and this time threw the ball high in the air before thrusting it forwards with both hands and adding spin. As a result Yamamoto was dragged into the current and knocked unconscious by the ball. Bianchi then stepped forwards with poison cooking at the ready; however Mukuro claimed to have used less than thirty percent of his power.
Tsuna finally arrived on the outskirt of the trees and upon spotting Bianchi defending the others shouted out to Mukuro but was too scared to approach him. Mukuro simply decided to finish of the others first and prepared to attack. Reborn then used the last Dying Will Bullet on Tsuna who held back the attack with his bare hands. Tsuna continued to avoid Mukuro's chain ball attacks and finally threw one of them back at him sending him flying into a pile of rubble. However Mukuro emerged with only minor wounds claiming that his true power was in hand to hand. Distracting Tsuna by throwing the ball into the air Mukuro struck with a number of attacks before placing Tsuna beneath the falling weapon. However Tsuna was still alive and rose from rubble claiming that Mukuro didn't have the will to kill him. Angered that Tsuna thought he knew him Mukuro struck out but Tsuna dodged the final attack and struck Mukuro again causing him to collapse on his knees. While returning to his normal self Tsuna explained that Mukuro had always used his weapon to finish his opponents as opposed to his bare hands and closed his eyes so he wouldn't need to see it. Tsuna thought that Mukuro was like Lambo as even though he was unreasonable you couldn't help but like him. Mukuro was surprised that Tsuna could see through his act but could see the Vongola's blood in him. He then revealed the shocking truth, that he was Mukuro's double who had been manipulated behind the scenes.
Two vs. Two[]
After left Lancia who was poisoned by Chikusa to not reveal anymore information, Tsuna and the others went inside Kokuyo building and on the way, they encountered Chikusa who then once again fight Gokudera. Gokudera used his smoke bomb to let Tsuna and the others went upstairs while he prevent Chikusa from chasing them. When Tsuna and the others arrived at the theater, they met the student who Tsuna recognized as one of the student who held captive. However, Bianchi realized that he is the real Mukuro that Lancia had told them. Futa suddenly appeared and stabbed Bianchi on her stomach with Mukuro's trident when she approached him. This shocked Tsuna who then attacked by Futa but able to dodged it and realized that he was controlled by Mukuro. Tsuna brought out Dino's whip and rushed to Mukuro to stop his mind control but unable to do it due to his lack of using the whip and once again attacked by Futa while Mukuro laughed at his attempt.

Hibari knocks out Ken.
Meanwhile, Gokudera was heavily injured by Ken who attacked him from behind when Gokudera's attention focused on Chikusa. Gokudera then fell downstairs with heavy bleeding. One of Birds's birds appeared an said that Gokudera was beaten and Gokudera cursed the bird until he heard the bird began singing Namimori School anthem and noticed Hibari's tonfa on the ground. Ken and Chikusa approached him with Ken laughed at him when Gokudera threw his dynamite to the wall behind him. Gokudera only smiled and as the smoke cleared, revealing the injured Hibari who then said to Gokudera to let him handle the rest, which Gokudera agreed to. Ken used his Lion Channel and attacked Hibari but easily defeated by him and was tossed out of the window.
Mukuro Face-off[]
Back at Tsuna's place, Tsuna realized as Futa attacked him that his gaze was similar to Lancia and told him that it was not his fault and that he is not alone. Futa stopped attacking as he cried and fainted, finally freed from the mind control. Tsuna then angrily asked what people are to Mukuro. Mukuro simply and playfully said that they were toys. This enraged Tsuna who then attacked him furiously but was unable to hurt him and instead he was the one getting hurt, and noticed there's a Dying Will Flame on Mukuro's right eye. The symbol in Mukuro's eye then changed and the ground started to crumble and made Tsuna panic but Reborn was able to get him back to his senses, realizing that it was only an illusion. Mukuro then explained about his power, The Six Paths of Reincarnations that he received from his past lives (In the anime, Mukuro said that his body had experienced the Six Paths of Reincarnations instead). Reborn then commented that he is a monster and Mukuro replied that he didn't want to hear it from Reborn who is a cursed infant.

Hibari attacks Mukuro at the last second.
Mukuro changed his path again and summoned poisonous snakes to attack Tsuna. However, Reborn interrupted that he's not only raised Tsuna. Mukuro then blocked Hibari's tonfa that was thrown at him and then Gokudera blew out the snakes with his dynamite. Hibari then threw Gokudera to the ground since he already paid his debt, and challenged Mukuro once again who was amused by it and accepted his challenge. The two clashed against each other but then Hibari's wound opened again, preventing him to move. Mukuro decided to end this and used illusions of Sakura trees again to make HIbari kneel. Hibari was seemingly beaten due to the illusions, but then when he was about to stumble to the ground, he attacked Mukuro on his stomach as Gokudera revealed that Hibari already got the cure for Sakura-kura disease and attacked him again, rendering Mukuro briefly unconscious.
Possession Bullet & Rebuke Bullet[]
Mukuro shot himself with his gun.
When Gokudera and Tsuna celebrated their victory, Mukuro awoke and brought out his gun, shooting himself with it. Reborn and Gokudera assumed that Mukuro chose to die rather than be captured, however, Tsuna felt uneasy. Bianchi suddenly wakes up and requests Gokudera to help her but Tsuna warns him to stay away from her. Bianchi then attacks Gokudera with Mukuro's trident and is revealed to be possessed by Mukuro who claims he is back from hell.
Mukuro explains that he had used one of the Six Paths of Reincarnation and demonstrated it again by leaving Bianchi's body. Gokudera then stood up and offered Tsuna his help but then Tsuna realized that Gokudera also had been possessed by Mukuro as he is nearly stabbed by the trident. Mukuro shows surprise as it was the first time someone saw through his possessions. Reborn remembered the gun that Mukuro used and concluded that Mukuro was using a forbidden bullet, the Possession Bullet, that was created by the Estraneo Family, and he asks how he had it because the information on its creation was destroyed. Mukuro simply replied because it belonged to him as he continued to attack Tsuna with Ken and Chikusa, both of whom are also possessed by Mukuro.
Leon in process producing new items for Tsuna.
Tsuna struggles to dodge the attacks as he pleads that he is scared and has had enough of fighting until Reborn slaps him and says that he is able to defeat Mukuro if he is confident in his will to win. Mukuro comments that Reborn has gone mad to trust his student who already lost his will who, to him, was never suited to become part of the mafia. However, Tsuna then confesses that he wants to defeat Mukuro, who has hurt his friends and many innocent people. Leon responds to Tsuna's will and begins to make items for Tsuna just like when Dino received his whip and Enzio. When Leon finishes the items, they turn out to be a pair of mittens. Mukuro attacks Tsuna again, but the trident is blocked by something inside Tsuna's mittens. Tsuna opens his mittens, revealing a special bullet.
Hyper Dying Will Mode Tsuna.
Reborn orders Tsuna to give the bullet to him while Mukuro tries to prevent that. Reborn comments that he has never seen the bullet before and wants to try it out. Mukuro, who finally gave up possessing Tsuna's body without hurting him, sends dynamite towards Tsuna as Reborn shoots the bullet to him. Tsuna falls unconscious with no sign of waking up. Mukuro walks towards him, preparing to possess him. Tsuna, who turns out to be barely conscious, begins to hear voices of his mother and his friends who encouraged him and lastly Lancia who told him not to give up and not to repeat mistakes like he did, which motivates Tsuna and holds firm his resolve. The mittens transform and form X-Gloves and Tsuna enters Hyper Dying Will Mode for the first time as he says that he cannot die in peace until he defeats Mukuro.
Tsunayoshi Sawada vs. Mukuro Rokudo[]

Mukuro overpowers Tsuna with Fifth Path.
Tsuna, whose fighting skill has improved drastically due to rebuke bullet, easily knocks out the possessed Gokudera, Bianchi, Ken, and Chikusa. Tsuna then tells Mukuro to come out since he is still alive and Mukuro does so as he praises Tsuna on his quick improvement. He then decides to use his fifth path, Human path, that he hates and is the most dangerous skill. He pierces his right eye with his finger until a dark aura appears from his body that represents his fighting spirit. He rushes to Tsuna who is quickly troubled due to Mukuro's strength and is thrown into a wall as Mukuro mockingly says that he's just started warming up.
However, Tsuna is able to defend himself with his flames. Mukuro comments that it's useless if Tsuna merely changed his aura, which Tsuna replied that Dying Will Flames is not an aura. Mukuro rushes to Tsuna while saying to show it if the Dying Will Flames is not an aura. Tsuna grabs his trident and Mukuro feels that the flames are hot, realizing they are able to cause damage. Tsuna quickly is already behind him before Mukuro realizes it and is punched into the ground, Tsuna saying that it's about time he finished warming up.
Mukuro laughs and says that he was happy of his miscalculation because with Tsuna's current power, rather than scheming, he is able to attack family directly and cause war between mafias. Reborn asks if that was his goal, but Mukuro denies this because he is not a simple-minded person. He reveals his plan to start a world war by possessing every important person in the world and cleanse the world with its darkness. But he decided to started it with eradicating mafia world. Reborn and Tsuna ask why he is so obsessed with mafia and does he hold grudge against them. Mukuro refuses to answer this and uses his illusion to attack Tsuna. Tsuna, who realizes it is an illusion doesn't move since he knows illusions won't hurt people who aware of them, but it turns out Mukuro hid rocks behind it and hits Tsuna's eyes, making him slightly blind.

Tsuna strikes Mukuro.
Mukuro jumps to attack Tsuna from midair but Tsuna is able to quickly focus back and fly behind Mukuro in no time, he punches Mukuro from behind and crashes him into the ground. Tsuna approaches Mukuro who admits Tsuna's strength and asks him to kill him as he would rather die than be caught by mafia. Tsuna flinches at this and refuses as he backs away from Mukuro, who then takes this chance and grabs Tsuna's wrists, making him unable to use his gloves. Mukuro reveals that the reason he sent many assassins to him was in order to draw out Tsuna's true power and comments that Tsuna has done well and could rest as he kicks him into a wall where his trident is placed. Before it can scratch Tsuna, however, he uses his flames as thrust and flies to Mukuro, grabbing his face as his flames purify Mukuro's aura and crash into a wall, making him unconscious.
Kokuyo Gang Arrest[]
Ken's flashback.
After Tsuna defeated Mukuro, Tsuna asked about his friends' condition. Reborn assures him that the medical team already arrived and tended the others' wounds including giving the antitode to Lancia who was poisoned. Tsuna sighs in relief but is soon interrupted by Ken and Chikusa who regained their consciousness and struggles to move as Ken shouted to Tsuna not to touch Mukuro. Tsuna asks why they have gone so far for Mukuro who possessed and used them like tools, which Chikusa replied not to say like he know everything. Ken says that Mukuro had saved them when they were treated as guinea pigs and were experimented on by their own family. Reborn then realizes that they were from Estraneo Famiglia that invented the forbidden Possession bullet. Ken protests that they made it forbidden for their own convenience and because of that, the Estraneo Famiglia was slaughtered and treated like bugs. This made the cornered head of the family begin to invent new weapons to survive by using children of the family to be tested. Ken explained how everyday felt like a hell when they were experimented on until Mukuro saved them by killing all of his captors and offered them to come with him cleanse the insignificant world. Ken then shouts that Mukuro is the place where they belong and they won't let anyone to take it away from them. Tsuna who symphatizes with them after hearing their story says that he understands their feelings, but he also cannot let his friends be hurt because they are the place where he belongs.
The Vindice appear to arrest the Kokuyo Gang.
Suddenly, three men in black and bandages appear and chain Mukuro, Ken, and Chikusa. Reborn recognizes them as the protector of mafia law, Vindice. As the Vindice begin to drag Mukuro and his subordinates, Tsuna asks what they will do to them. Reborn says that they will be heavily punished, including the other convict who is still alive and Lancia and he also warn Tsuna not to get in trouble with them. After Vindice disappears along with the Kokuyo gang, the medical team arrives and immediately treats Gokudera and the others who were unconscious and wounded. Tsuna then feels a sudden pain throughout his body, which turns out to be the after effect of the Rebuke bullet and faints in exhaustion, followed by Reborn who decides to sleep after he praises Tsuna for being able to accomplish the ninth's order.
One month after the battle at Kokuyo Land, Tsuna and his friends cheer for Yamamoto who plays in a baseball tournament. Gokudera threatens the team who is competing with Yamamoto's team that he will blow them up as he brings out his dynamite, and Ryohei cheers by persuading them to quit baseball and join his boxing club instead, which Tsuna comments that both of the choices are wrong. They are soon interrupted by Bianchi's arrival who carries her poison cooking box lunch and makes Gokudera faint after he sees her face. Haru also brings out her box lunch, but then Lambo takes it and he and I-Pin chase each other.

Mukuro, possessing a young boy at baseball tournament.
Futa giggles at this as he says that he's happy because they were able to be gathered around like this. Tsuna smiles, also happy for it but is then interrupted by a sudden uneasy feeling and looks behind him but sees nothing. His attention is then distracted by Lambo's cry and Tsuna confronts him. Reborn then notices a young boy with his mother walk past behind him and smirks at him as he says that he seems lonely and he will take him on any time. The boy stops walking and replies that someday they will meet again, revealing his right eye with the word "six" in it, revealing he is possessed by Mukuro. Reborn turns again to Tsuna and the others comforting Lambo and laughing together again, thus, ending the Kokuyo Arc.
- Kyoya Hibari vs. Mukuro Rokudo
- Hayato Gokudera vs. Chikusa Kakimoto
- Takeshi Yamamoto vs. Ken Joshima
- Bianchi vs. M.M.
- Vongola vs. Birds & The Bloody Twins
- Versus Fake Mukuro
- Tsunayoshi Sawada vs. Fake Mukuro Rokudo
- Hayato Gokudera & Kyoya Hibari vs. Chikusa Kakimoto & Ken Joshima
- Kyoya Hibari vs. Mukuro Rokudo: Rematch
- Tsunayoshi Sawada vs. Mukuro Rokudo
Manga and Anime Differences[]
- In the anime, the Bloody Twins seemed to get knocked out; in the manga, it is assumed Shamal and Future I-Pin killed them.
- In the manga, the Kokuyo Gang took a number of teeth of their victims while in the anime, Kokuyo Gang left a pocket watch with a certain time.
- In the manga, Kokuyo Arc occurred during Tsuna and his friends' second year, while in the anime it happened during their first year. And based on their uniforms, the manga took place in summer while the anime took place in spring.
- Kokuyo Arc is the only arc in the anime that contains large amounts of bloody scenes; however, since the show is intended for juniors, blood scenes were rarer in later arcs.