The promotional art work of the exhibition.
KATEKYO HITMAN REBORN! Riunione (家庭教師ヒットマンREBORN!オンライン展覧会
Over 300 pieces of artwork will be on exhibit across all the major arcs from the anime. The "Episode Room" will display different artwork depending on the period of the exhibit. The arcs and times are listed below:
- Daily Life Arc: December 10 2020 - 16 2020
- Kokuyo Arc: December 17 2020 - 23 2020
- VS Varia Arc: December 24 2020 - January 6 2021
- Future Arc: January 7 2021 - 20 2021
- Future Final Battle Arc: January 21 2021 - February 3 2021
- Display of everything: February 4 2021 - 17 2021
The exhibition consists of 13 different rooms:
- Lobby: Showing the entrance that will lead to the exhibition. Users can sign-up or log-in and edit their profile here.
- Art Work: Showing the display of the official art work of the anime from each story arcs.
- Episode: Showing the display of scenes from the anime of their respective story arcs.
- Extra: Showing the display of top 10 scenes from the anime chosen by fans.
- Family: Showing the display of several scenes of the main characters from the anime. This room is split into eight separate rooms:
- Goods: Showing the display of goods being sold through Anique's online shop. The goods are consisted of silver rings based on the main characters' theme, posters of the story arcs and each main characters, premium juice and glass set based on the main characters' colour themes, the main characters' acrylic stand, the main characters' smart phone case, and the main characters-printed t-shirts.
Additionally, fans can express their love for the series by leaving a comment or through a simultaneous call feature. (Note that the iOS 14's simultaneous call feature is incompatible.) Visitors are recommended to use Android 4.1 or Chrome 58 devices or higher. iPhone iOS users are recommended to use the 11-13 versions.